Dr Ian Platt

Dr Ian Platt

Gender: Male
Primary qualifications: BM (Southampton 1990) MRCGP
3503946: 3503946

Currently the longest serving GP Partner at Ammonite health, having joined the then Skellern Practice in 1997, 28 years ago.

Dr Platt found his calling to medicine on completion of a degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Durham University.

Dr Platt qualified in 1990 from Southampton University and following a series of junior Dr posts in Dorchester, Portsmouth, and Basingstoke, completed his GP training on the West Dorset GP vocational training scheme in 1996.

Dr Platt works full time, both in Bridport and since the merger of practices in Beaminster.

Outside of work Dr Platt enjoys all things active including Mountain biking, Skiing, Gardening and during holidays spending as much time as I can in the French Alps.